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Henderson Land X Lamborghini Hong Kong X Elaine Chiu Special Edition Art Car

恒基兆業地產集團 Hong Kong Kaleidoscope 香港萬花筒

恒基兆業地產集團 Hong Kong Kaleidoscope 香港萬花筒

恒基兆業地產集團 Hong Kong Kaleidoscope 香港萬花筒

Louis Vuitton x ELLE x Artist Elaine Chiu

「夢筆生花」閩港澳台青年匯聚福建 參加美術人才成長計劃 趙綺婷獲得一等獎

Cathay Pacific Gallery in the Skies: Elaine Chiu 國泰空中畫廊:與城市畫家趙綺婷對談


無界 -- 深港澳青年藝術大展

Golden Goose 義大利時尚品牌聯乘香港城市畫家 Co-creation series

香港大學、古蹟辦 "HKU Heritage Sights and Sites", the Commissioner for Heritage’s Office and the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) of the Development Bureau and The University of Hong Kong, 2022.

富藝斯、江詩丹頓 “Women in Art: Creator and Muse”, (part of the “Less’ential - art of our times), Phillips Auction, 2023

恒基兆業地產集團 Henderson Land Realising Central Cityscapes
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