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Crabtree & Evelyn 50th Art Sleeves, 2021


Package design, 2021, Hong Kong

「Crabtree & Evelyn 的創立故事充滿著冒險精神,透過不斷的探索,找尋隱藏於世間的迷人香味,發掘真我。

散發甜蜜氣息的Crabtree & Evelyn’s Evelyn Rose Pink、沉穩的大地棕色The Gardeners Brown,以及象徵生命活力的Crabtree green 成為了我這幅畫作顏色的靈感來源。以超現實方面穿梭時空,繪畫出連繫香港引人入勝的霓虹夜景,我希望藉著Crabtree & Evelyn50週年,一起探尋新的故事和靈感。」 -- 香港城市畫家趙綺婷


“Inspired by Crabtree & Evelyn’s adventurous story, my design for Crabtree & Evelyn’s 50th-anniversary art sleeve is a journey of discovering new scents and a new self in the world. 

The sweet Crabtree & Evelyn’s Rose Pink, the earthy The Gardeners Brown, and the energetic Crabtree green are three key elements and muses of this artwork. In connection with the surrealistic portrayal of Hong Kong’s neon-lit skyline, I hope to bring you a new sensational journey of a continuous search for new stories and inspirations” ---- Artist, Elaine Chiu.

#CrabtreeAndEvelynHK #CE50 #ComingBackHome

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